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Mark Sullivan New Ep 'Movement'

When i first started managing Mark Sullivan it was somewhat of an honour to be working with someone i truly respected as a musician and who inspired me with his music. Now, a year and a bit on he is starting to achieve things that he truly deserves. With Mark's diary getting ever busier he has been breaking in to the London scene after a hard working first year and things are going from strength to strength. After winning the soloist category of Rock The House 2014 he has been on a small UK tour and played festivals and some great venues including Ronnie Scott's and The Bedford. Amongst all this managing to record his latest EP here at the studio which you can hear here. The EP 'Movement' is a collection of tracks that are, well, just mesmerising. The recording process itself took a while with Mark's keen desire for perfection, and this EP does not fall short of the mark. This being said it is not a plug for the studio and our recording/production qualities (though they are great!) but the actual music itself and the songwriting capabilities of this guy. It is a musical journey taking you from the layered intriquet guitar work of 'Rott Me' to 'Swim A Hill' which moves away from guitar to show off Mark's incredible vocal tones and songwriting prowess. This on to 'Wasting Time' again using his guitar work to bring the mood of the track up and down with real gain driven solos and finishing with the feel good, up beat 'You'll Lose' which shows a different side again bringing a more funky sound to finish the EP. It is in my opinion a masterpiece which can now be available for everybody to hear. Keep an eye on this guy and watch him Live as soon as you get the chance as it will not be long before you may have to buy a ticket to see him play!

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